TAR UMT FOCS Spearheads AI Workshop Towards Sustainable Development Goals

In a landmark collaboration, TAR UMT's Department of Corporate Communication and Marketing (CCM) teamed up with the MCA Youth Raub Division to host an illuminating AI Workshop. This pivotal event, held at the prestigious Centre of Excellence for Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence within FOCS TAR UMT, was designed to empower participants with the knowledge and tools to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) for sustainable development. 

Under the esteemed guidance of Ts. Dr Tan Chi Wee, an established AI researcher together with the assistance of five student helpers from the Bachelor of Computer Science (Data Science) programme, attendees embarked on a transformative learning journey. The workshop's core objective was to demystify AI and machine learning and its practical applications, particularly focusing on the creation of object recognition systems using accessible tools such as a simple camera and user-friendly software. 

Integral to the workshop was the exploration of fine-tuning techniques within AI models. Participants were meticulously guided through the process of refining these models, thereby enhancing their accuracy and efficiency—a skillset crucial in the realm of AI-driven innovation. 

The event's relevance to real-world challenges was palpable, with discussions revolving around AI's potential to revolutionize retail operations, particularly in unmanned store cashier systems. Participants delved into the delicate balance between driving economic growth and promoting responsible consumption patterns—a convergence pivotal for sustainable development. 

This resonates deeply with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined by the United Nations, notably SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure), and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production). Moreover, the workshop's emphasis on collaboration and knowledge-sharing embodies the essence of SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

As participants departed, enriched with newfound knowledge and inspiration, TAR UMT's CCM reiterated its unwavering commitment to supporting initiatives that harness AI for sustainable development. The workshop stands as a testament to TAR UMT's dedication to fostering innovation in service of a sustainable future. 

Watch this space for further updates on TAR UMT's endeavours towards sustainable development and AI-driven innovation.